Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Un día de duerma

Hola! I am in Madrid. And boy was it an adventure. First I left the dorms with a few friends and my travel partner. Then, we went to the airport THREE HOURS EARLY! Gah. That wait was filled with playing cards and spending 6 dollars (!) on a stupid, small but delicious egg sandwich. Then, we almost didn't board on time. Next was, "Dylan deserves no space" on the plane and the lady in front of me declined in the chair for the whole flight.
Chicago faired better but we only spent 10 minutes at the airport. That flight was pretty chill.
Then at DC my travel partner met a person from her sorority from New Mexico. Other than that the 7 hour flight was filled with mini food breaks, games, and I saw Hereafter. And that was only in the first 3 hours. I somehow fell asleep on the tiny pillow and under the small, black blanket but only for an hour. Then I woke up with a stiff neck. Then 4 hours of tedious boredom ensued.
Finally, we got to the airport in Madrid. I went through customs and got my first stamp! (Can I get a woot woot?!!) Then we got some euros and took a very, very expensive cab ride to our hotel (note to self, taxis are a bad idea.) Once we got our hotel room, we accidentally slept for 6 hours instead of two. I still think I'll be able to go to bed tonight and get accustomed to local time.
Tonights mission (as it is 6 pm here): Go to metro, learn. Go to Plaza del Sol, learn shopping centers/restaurants. Go to Ventas, learn about bullfights.

All in all, we've done an okay job of communicating. We can say what we want, but understanding the answers and them is the hard part.
Ciao amigos,

1 comment:

  1. Haha, gotta love international travel. My biggest recommendation for you as far as travel is to get familiar with the public transportation there. What's cheap, what's easy, etc. Whether it's bus or subway or public bicycle (they had them in Milan when I was there), the quicker you get familiar with it the better :]
