Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Muchísimos a decir

I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to write in awhile! Also, forgive me for this loooong post! It’s worth it I swear! I am having problems uploading all my pictures. Check back soon for more.....

Okay so two days ago Renae and I actually woke up on time at the hotel and rode the metro to the airport. There were no mishaps except instead of people eying our luggage, I saw people eye Renae. We went up to the airport and stumbled into everyone - which was a relief because if we didn’t find them soon, we would have been late. We rode the bus to Salamanca and it only took 2 and a half hours.  Renae and I filled that time playing hearts. Once we returned home I met my family and my room. My host family has a mother and her two children (Natalia, 31 and Vincente, 25) stop by every once in awhile. I don’t get my roommate, from who knows where, until Sunday.

I also gave my family their gift and I’m pretty sure she liked it. Then I went to la plaza mayor. After about an hour, thousands of young people started marching in and protesting (una manifestación  for all you non-Spanish speakers out there) the government. It was kind of epic to actually watch the plaza go from about 200 people to over 1000!

Also two things of note. This was the day when I discovered the awesomeness of dinner (lunch) and the pharmacies! When I came from the bus, I was fed from my host mother. I quickly consumed the pasta until I was full. Then the next thing I know is there is another plate in front of me! This one has salad and porkchop-esque type of meat. I knew there was at least one more. You all know me pretty well so even though I was full, that second plate was not a problem. Finally, the third plate was one of my favorite items. Yogurt!! Yogurt over here is a little denser and a lot less sweetened. But it still tasted good!
Since I have arrived in Spain, I have had some water in my ear. I went to the pharmacy and explained my problem, and got ear drops for only 4.75 euro!! I have had plenty of experience with Swimmer’s Ear (at least 7 occurrences) and ear aches (at least 10 occurrences) in America and let me tell you that this system is by far better. In America, I would have to go to the doctor’s. Wait 1 – 2 and a half hours. Have the doctor look in my ears and confirm the problem. As I leave the office, pay 20 dollars (at an insurance coverage discount) because I saw the doctor and took up some of his time. Receive a prescription. Go to the pharmacist. Pay 15 – 20 more dollars and receive the product! España really cuts out the middle man and saves me money and time!

Important words:          drops --> gotas

Yesterday ( Una lectura en historia)

Yesterday I got up at 730 (which was a feat in itself), took a shower, ate breakfast….kind of, and went to school. Like I said before, the meals here are a bit different. Breakfast is not that big and dinner (lunch) is the biggest meal of the day. Breakfast usually consists of coffee or tea, and some sliced bread.
While at school, I took a placement test and got placed into medium with Renae! Then we took a tour of Salamanca. Boy, did I fall in love with the history of this place. One of my favorite parts of history is the Isabel and Fernando age. Salamanca is at the heart of it! Isabel and Fernando combined the Castille and Leon areas of Spain. Castles and Lions are therefore, respectively, the symbols of these monarchs. Which you can see bordering lots of things. Also, they had a motto, Isabel tanto Fernando, Fernando tanto Isabel – which in English means <<As much as one is, so is the other>>. Therefore they had an equal role even though Isabel was a woman. (For all you don’t know, these people are REALLY important to America. Isabel is the woman that funded Christopher Columbus’ voyage to the west, which ultimately discovered America). They funded the Universidad here (in the 15 century!) and the motto in Greek around the picture is <<Los Reyes por La Universidad, La Universidad por Los Reyes>>. (The king and queen for the university, the university for the king and queen) Eh? See the similarity with their motto? Eh? Eh?

Also, there is la rana de suerte (the frog of luck). If you can spot him supposedly you will have great fortune in the areas of love and scholarly work. Unfortunately, I did not see him, but I will not spoil it for you. Another neat thing is that everything on the right is positive values of a student, and everything on the left is negative values of a student.

Also, another outstanding piece of history is the wall with the shells (la Casa de las Conchas) Basically, a guy loved a woman so much that he put these shells all over a wall to show how much he loved her. It was like a Romeo and Juliet type thing but without the two families completely hating one another (how fortunate!) Then you can see in their child the combined emblems of the two lovers. I bought my grandmother una concha made from the same stone so she can hang it in her bathroom!

Oh, two more things: an ego booster and another. There is a girl named Wendy in our class who is from Holland. She knows Dutch, German, English, and Spanish! The cool part was that I told her I am somewhere about 4 – 8% Dutch and she said she thought I looked Dutch and wondered where I came from until she learned it was America. Also, my last name is very popular in the Netherlands. 
Lastly, I will leave you with some inspiring graffiti.

Have faith en yourself. 

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