Thursday, May 26, 2011

La experiencia de corrida

Today was a day full of new experiences. We went to Ventas and got tickets for bullfighting. For all you Americans, a bullfight in Spanish is una corrida. For some reason, we had to get the tickets by 2 and couldn't enter the stadium until 6:20. So my travel partner and I had some time to kill. We went traveling down the streets, came across a few bridges and parks, but nothing too exciting (check out facebook for the photos). I bought a yellow (of course!), Madrid t-shirt.
We had Kabobs for dinner. And not the kabobs where they put meat on a stick, although that was an option. We had kabobs in yummy sandwich form. I think they were greek sandwiches.
When we finally entered the stadium we got to see how massive the stadium was; how minuscule the seating areas were. We had about a butt's width of space and people in España are quite skinny. We also had bags and people directly in front and behind of us. We were packed in quite well. The man in front of my travel partner didn't like the way she was sitting and politely (?) asked her to switch positions. The woman behind us and the five men to my right were very friendly towards my travel partner and I and we became temporarily acquaintances for the 2 hours we where there. The woman told us information about bullfights and the men told us about Salamanca and the awards of various feats in the bullpen (ears and tails!)  Sadly, I watched 6 bulls die today. It surprised me how fast they went down. I guess I have never seen anything die before. 
On the metro back home we met 2 chicas from Nebraska (who go to Creighton) and possibly their boyfriends. What a small world. 
Tonights mission: What the heck are we doing tomorrow?! 

Hasta mañana,

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