Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lo me olvida.....

Gotta love Spanish, as the title is It forgot itself from me! I didn't forget..... I swear!

Reading Sydney's new post, <<Which can be found at>>, made me remember a funny story at the airport. As I walked through the metal detector with no problem, I felt proud because I'm always stopped for something. As my laptop comes through, I celebrate a victory. Then, as my backpack goes through I celebrate another victory (usually they confiscate a bottle that is more than 3 oz. or something). All I had left in the last bin was some change, my sandals, and my passport. Nothing there that should set of the alarm, right? WRONG. Apparently, my sandals were very suspicious looking under the all seeing eye of the x-ray machine. So, they tell me that they have to rescan, and I tell them okay. They wait for three people to get done, and send in my sandals. I see them talking and staring at the picture and start to get worried. I know there isn't a bomb there, but what was in my sandals?!!? I start talking to Renae about me being shoeless at the airport and how funny that would be. Then, they rescan again. This time, I thought for sure I wouldn't get my sandals back. Then, they took a white swab and brushed it up and down the sandal. Apparently, they do this to test drugs. So, I got weird stares from random people thinking that I was drug smuggling. As I stand there hoping that no  drug residue will pop up on the scanner, it beeps. I didn't know what that beep meant, but luckily the man just gave me back my sandals. Don't know why I forgot this story.

Check out my travel partners blog at <<>>
Also read my latest travel post below, it's about soccer!


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