Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Aprendemos mucho

One of the hardest things to believe is that it is only 5 pm your time and midnight here!!
My travel partner and I went to the metro and went to Ventas to learn about bull fighting. We got assailed by locals to buy tickets. Even an 80 year old lady was after us to buy tickets! She would not take no for an answer either. Her little story was that she had a friend in the ticket office that could get us tickets for very cheap. Finally, we had to just walk away. 
We stubbled upon a nice dog park. It definitely made me wish that Americans lived differently. It was luscious green and there were tons and tons of people. People who didn't know each other talking to one another, their dogs running around but listening to their owners (which makes it look like American dogs are spoiled), people petting other dogs, kids doing homework, and kids making videos. Sitting there definitely made me wish I could live there permanently. Also, in the park was an old people's gym. It was kinda weird but entertaining and awesome. Pedaling benches, pull up bar, etc. 
Next we went to Sol and it was phenomenal! We were smack dab in the riot. I took probably 30 - 40 photos of signs and people. Definitely an experience I will never forget. You'll have to check 'em out on facebook. I'll also post the best up here on my blog. 
We also walked to Mercado de San Miguel and had sushi. We befriended the chef/used our american charm and he gave us two free sushi rolls! 
All in all, we didn't get lost and we learned how to use the metro! Yay for independently growing up! 


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